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법명 [체코] Act No. 22/1997 Coll. on Technical Requirements of Products for the purposes of Declaration of Conformity
고시번호 고시일  2097-09-01
내용 In accordance with the Act No. 22/97 Coll., the manufacturer or importer is bound to bring to Czech market only safe products. Before placing the particular product on the market, the manufacturer or importer is bound to issue a written Statement of Conformance based on the assessment of product properties together with safety requirements in accordance with the Act No. 22/97 and relevant technical rules - orders-in-council. The same is valid also in the area of the European union where European Directives play the similar role as orders-in-council in the Czech Republic. The Declaration of Conformity must be issued for products and must be provided with the CE mark.

EZU Praha is a qualified and authorized institution, whose services will help you to meet the requirements set forth in the Act No. 22/97 Coll., and to prepare the Statement of Conformance. Furthermore, EZU Prague can prepare for you the Declaration of Conformity for product marking with the CE Mark.

참조URL http://www.ezu.cz/index.php?u=/en/conformity-assessment-ce/&a=ArticleDisplay

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무단으로 수집되는 것을 거부하며, 이를 위반시 정보통신망법의해 형사처벌을 유념하시기 바랍니다.
