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법명 [영국] Marine Equipment (MED) - 96/98/EC?
고시번호 고시일  
내용 Directive 96/98/EC on marine equipment (MED) has the objective to enhance maritime safety while ensuring the free movement of the goods concerned within the internal market.

For this purpose, three important points need to be taken into account:

firstly, ships are moveable assets whose construction, maintenance and repair may take place anywhere in the world;
secondly, maritime safety is governed worldwide by a number of international conventions and by the different instruments adopted by the International Maritime Organisation;
thirdly, certain items of marine equipment (e.g. fire extinguishers or pyrotechnics) are covered by other Internal Market instruments whose requirements may differ from those of the international maritime safety conventions.
The MED thus applies to equipment being placed on board a Community ship (i.e. flying the flag of a Member State) to which international certificates are issued pursuant to these conventions, and provides that its requirements apply to the goods falling under its scope to the exclusion of other concurring directives.

The MED lays down, for each item of marine equipment listed in Annex A.1, specific functional and testing requirements by reference to the international maritime safety conventions and, where possible, international and European standards. In all cases, however, the standards cited are of mandatory application. Marine equipment complying with the MED requirements must bear a specific marking (the "wheel mark") instead of the usual CE marking in order to distinguish it from similar goods certified under other Internal Market directives.

A second annex (annex A.2) contains a list of items of marine equipment for which the Community may invite the relevant bodies to develop the necessary functional and testing standards.

The MED contains standard market surveillance and safeguard clause provisions and makes use of the Global Approach principles for conformity checking, though only third-party certification is foreseen.
참조URL http://ec.europa.eu/enterprise/policies/european-standards/documents/harmonised-standards-legislation/list-references/marine-equipment/index_en.htm

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